
Global Talent Trends 2022 Study

Rise of the relatable organization

This report was first published by Mercer here.

Relatable organizations are bringing back the joy of work and creating a brighter future for all

A moment of profound opportunity has arrived: to pick up the tools of empathy honed in 2020-2021 and carve a new way of partnering that is more human, sustainable, and attuned to the ways people want to work. This year, we are witnessing the Rise of the Relatable Organization. What are the success drivers of these relatable organizations? They are resetting for stakeholder relevance, building adaptive capacity in their people and processes, figuring out how to work in partnership and tackle inequalities, driving outcomes on total well-being, incentivizing employability, and harnessing collective energy.

Seizing the opportunity in this year's talent trends

The pandemic has demonstrated the need to be both opportunistic and risk-aware. People are seeking a sense of joy and freedom to reshape their lives. Organizations have bold plans for reinvention, but are they focused on what will really make a difference?

Find out in the 2022 Edition of Mercer's Global Talent Trends Study.